Online Life Drawing using Zoom

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
Zoom-based life drawing has become all the rage during the pandemic. We don’t organise online classes from here but chums of the studio do and we can highly recommend joining their sessions.

These sessions are one of the best, most intimate and absorbing ways to feel a part of a creative community, bar actually being sat in the room. They have certainly been a lifeline for me & doing more life drawing has really improved my sculpting abilities too.

We can wholeheartedly recommend…

  • Bella’s Bits & Bobs who runs weekly sessions, some of them are even accompanied by live musicians which makes for a truly magical, also meditative experience!
  • The Henley School of Art which runs utterly charming weekly online sessions with an amazing array of extraordinary models, many international! They also run weekly animal life drawing classes too.
  • The Draw Brighton Patreon is a great way to support the arts. If you make a monthly donation to the Draw Brighton Patreon and its community of artists you get loads of inspiring stuff in return. Depending on what you tier you join you can benefit from weekly tutorial blog posts, numerous portrait, clothed and life model photoshoots and – my favourite – weekly online life drawing and portrait clubs.