Our Covid-19 Strategy

Your safety and the enjoyment of our courses is of the utmost importance to us.
Guidance for the management of shared spaces has evolved and changed throughout the pandemic. Depending on Covid numbers we will adopt various of the following measures/stipulations/procedures to ensure that we as confident can to safely host a maximum of 12 students in our workspace. Without wanting to sound too much like Big Brother, it is reliant on us all sticking to the strategy.

Depending on current expert advice and recommendations the Phoenix Studio and its tutors will adopt as many of these practises as is deemed necessary:

  • Everyone attending the course will be asked to follow social distancing.
  • Implement a daily sanitising and cleaning routine to ensure that all communal surfaces get cleaned regularly.
  • (in the warmer summer months) Put up our large marquee outside the main studio to effectively double the teaching space.
  • (in the cooler winter months, class sizes will most likely be smaller to ensure safe distances can be maintained between guests)
  • Wherever possible, sanitise and give each student their own set of tools/materials needed for the course. If not possible, sanitiser will be available to clean the equipment before and after use to help ensure they are contamination-free.
  • Provide masks and/or plastic face shields for teachers to wear when they give any closer one-to-one assistance (Students will also be asked to wear masks when in close proximity to a tutor too).
  • Ask students to wear masks at all times when in communal indoor parts of the studio (i.e the kitchen/loos).
  • Hopefully, students should not need to wear their masks when working at their desks as everyone will be so spread out and the teaching spaces really well ventilated (this is obviously dependent on government guidelines at the time).
  • Ask students to bring their own face masks and to either wash their hands regularly or use hand sanitiser gel.
  • Provide alcohol gel/hand sanitiser on entry to the studio and at various places in each teaching area. You may use your own.
  • Provide tea, coffee, and milk. If using our mugs/cups please keep the same one to use throughout the day and place in the dishwasher at the end of the day. You may bring your own.
  • Use an urn to provide boiling water for teas/coffees instead of kettles.
  • Ask all students to bring their own lunch and snacks. Some biscuits/cake will be provided.
  • Open the doors and windows in the main studio to ensure the room is well ventilated.
  • Ask that you keep use of the corridor to a minimum amount of people when using it to access the toilets to ensure the room to them is well ventilated (and that the toilets remain well ventilated as well)
  • Hopefully, it goes without saying that anyone who has been in contact with or experiencing symptoms of covid-19 in the last 14 days will NOT be permitted to enter the studio or attend the course.